We appreciate it when the press and media report on our foundation, as this allows us to reach even more people and inform them about our projects. Please send press enquiries to:
Press review
Santé/Dépistage des cancers féminins
Published on 13 April 2014, l'union
Centros de saúde recebem ambulâncias
Published on 27 July 2011, Jornal de Angola
Caravane médicale du souvenir
Published on 31 May 2011, l'union
La Fondation GAUFF fait don d'une ambulance à la mairie de Cocobeach
Published on 09 May 2011, Gabon Matin
Un système de stockage d'eau pour le centre d'accueil d'Angondjé
Published on 21 April 2011, l'union
Trois ambulances pour la FAABO
Published on 08 February 2011, Gabon Matin
Grâce à l'opération "bana" - Sauvès de la traite!
Published on 16 December 2010, l'union
Ambulances et medicaments pour la Noya, la Basse-Banio et la Louètsi-Wano
Published on 22 October 2010, l'union
20 millions de francs pour le centre Arc-en-ciel
Published on 01 September 2010, l'union
Appui de la Fondation Gauff au centre "Arc-en-ciel"
Published on 13 July 2010, Gabon Matin
Hospital "Heróis do Caxito" foi recuperado com parceria da sociedade civil
Published on 12. February 2010, Jornal de Angola
La fondation Gauff en soutien aux centres Arc-en-Ciel et Espoir
Published on 18 January 2010, l'union
Die Rettung kam aus Nürnberg (Rescue came from Nuremberg)
Published on 8 December 2009, Nürnberger Nachrichten
Von der Märkischen Heide nach Angola (From the Märkische Heide to Angola)
Published on 7 December 2009, Website of the Angolan Embassy in Germany
The GAUFF Foundation supports the Ökumenische Wärmestube
Published on 4 December 2009, Website of the City Mission of Nuremberg
FESA e Fundação Gauff assinam acordos
Published on 17 July 2009, Jornal de Angola
Helmut P. Gauff übergibt in Angola zwei Krankenwagen
Published on 25 April 2008 in Nürnberger Nachrichten
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