Our life is a gift and health, unfortunately, is not granted. And even if the medicine continuously proceeds in terms of knowledge and development, in many parts of the world even the drugs for basic disease prevention and treatment are lacking. But also highly specialized medical research institutions in industrialized countries - in addition to government funding - are mostly dependent on external funding and donations.
In addition to the short-term support of medical projects and preventive measures we, GAUFF Foundation, we want to fund research works on a long term basis also. Such, we have participated e.g. in the establishment of the "Medical Caravan" in Gabon by donations in form of drugs and at the headquarters of our Foundation in Central Franconia / Bavaria, we are supporting the "Erlanger Lebensbank" in order to fight against serious illnesses, such as leukaemia, and to give people affected by this disease the chance for a better life or even complete recovery.
Ginsterweg 34 | Nürnberg | Deutschland
Telefon: +49 911 940 2150
Mail: gauff-stiftung@gauff.net