If you care to help us improve the living conditions of other people, and wish to support our foundation, please choose from the following options:
Your commitment will be rewarded by the gratitude of the people you help. Since our Foundation is entitled to issue tax-deductible receipts for donations, you will also take advantage of attractive tax benefits.
Donations Account:
Sparkasse Nürnberg, IBAN: DE64 7605 0101 0010 2733 16, SWIFT: SSKNDE77
Key words: Uige — M'Banza Congo — Arc-en-Ciel — Espoir — Haus Stapf — Wärmestube - St. Stefan — Cholera — Training Gabon — Georg-Simon-Ohm
Ginsterweg 34 | Nürnberg | Deutschland
Telefon: +49 911 940 2150
Mail: gauff-stiftung@gauff.net